A Service for Expectant and New Parents

There is nothing more demanding these days than doing right by your child and family in a
world that's designed with very little thought to that.
This new service on the Web is meant to help you do your best by your child(ren) from the
start, and to help build life
from here on around your deepest feelings for those you love. It's part of an effort by parents
and grandparents to make the world a better, friendlier place for children and families.
Here are some choices you can make for information and support:
Basics that we hope will make pregnancy the kind of experience that you and
your baby deserve.
Living With A Brand-New Person. The first months of a new
baby's life may be the most rewarding and demanding time of your own life. And the
three years that follow are the time when everything from the "wiring" of
your baby's brain to the patterns of family living are established. Here is
information we hope will help make it the satisfying time it ought to be and a solid
foundation for what comes afterward.
Health and Well-Being. Protecting and enhancing our children's health in a sometimes unpredictable world.
Education and Development. Exploring the
possibilities for children's development.
Support from Others in the Same Boat. One of the best places to
look for supportive information is to people who are just going through (or
have just finished) the period of new parenthood.
About This. Some information about us and our deeper hopes
for what will come of this Web site and other things we're doing.